Covid update visual

Face-to-face classes will continue as per usual with the following health protocols listed below. 

In case of numerous teacher absences, we will contact you by email or SMS to inform you of the next steps.

Last updated: 14 March 2022

What if my child or I are a "cas contact" or positive to Covid-19 ?

For our Young Learner classes, we are following government guidelines to determine whether your child can attend one of our classes. You can consult theses online. 

For adult classes, we are following French social security guidance.

In all cases, please inform us if you cannot attend class and if you want homework sent to you.

What happens in case of lockdown?

In case of lockdown, our courses will be run online with our expert teachers. Students will be informed by email.

How do virtual classrooms work?

Adults courses

Virtual classes are conducted through a videoconferencing tool which will allow you to practise your speaking and writing with your teacher and classmates in real time and do pair and group work, just as you would in a face-to-face lesson.

We will provide instructions on how to access this tool via email instructions before your first lesson.

Childrens' courses

These virtual classrooms include live lessons with the teacher and self-study activities to be completed online before and after each live lesson.

We will be providing details on the secure, online learning platform via email to keep children safe while they are online.

Can I register to courses remotely?

Find out how to register on our registration page.

Can I pay remotely?


  • by credit card through your student portal or by booking a face to face appointment with our customer services team at Paris-Invalides.
  • by cheque paid to British Council in France and sent to British Council, 9 rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris (please write the name of the learner on the back of the cheque).
  • by bank transfer (IBAN Citibank FR76 1168 9007 0000 6589 5601 971). Please include reference details which will enable us to identify your payment (name and course).
  • by cash by making your payment through your bank.

Do you offer regular online courses for your learners?

Yes, we have an online offer for individual classes with EnglishScore Tutors and collective classes with English Online.

How I can contact Customer Service?

Our customer services teams will support you via email or by telephone 01 49 55 73 00.
Our main centre at Invalides is open to the public Monday to Saturday 9h30 to 17h. 
Health certificates ("pass sanitaire") are not required in our premises currently but masks should be worn and social distancing is still to be observed. If you feel unwell please do not come without having had a PCR test. 
British Council
9 rue de Constantine
75007 Paris
Métro/RER C Invalides