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Find sources of funding for school, undergraduate, and postgraduate study and for undertaking research in the UK, and access knowledge about other funding opportunities in the UK. Whichever scholarship, grant or award is best for you, we can help you to find it.
For many years now, British schools and universities have been attracting hundreds of thousands of EU and international students. Whilst many students are able to provide for themselves, others may be in need of some financial help.
Since the departure of the UK from the European Union, it is up to each university to award scholarships to European students. Please visit their websites to find out more, or check this non-exhaustive list of UK universities (this list is not exhaustive) which offer scholarships or discounts to EU students.
The Welsh government has also set up a funding scheme for students in order to compensate for the UK exit of the Erasmus+ programme with its Taith programme.
Tips can be found on our Study UK website for making your money go further whilst studying, including information on student discounts and cost of living.