Stages d'anglais à Paris ou en ligne pour les adolescents avec le British Council
Our intensive holiday courses for secondary students allow your teen to benefit from being surrounded by an English-speaking environment, support and enhance their language learning in school and offer a stimulating learning experience to boost confidence and motivation.

The day is divided into several sessions focusing on developing and extending their knowledge of English, and working towards a final presentation. 

By the end of the course, learners with the world's English experts will:

  • be better able to understand ideas and concepts related to the course themes,
  • express themselves with increased fluency, using a greater variety of vocabulary and expressions.
  • build and deepen their grammatical knowledge
  • use English in a variety of real-life situations, including giving presentations and doing role-plays
  • become more confident, fluent and accurate in speaking and writing English. 

Class dates and fees

Dates  Location/Times Price/time

21-25 Oct

22 rue Malar
Paris 7e

28-31 Oct

22 rue Malar
Paris 7e
€650 (24h)