Teacher in an IELTS preparation class

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an internationally recognised English test which evaluates all four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Taking IELTS opens doors to studying abroad.

Our IELTS preparation course (for première and terminale students) is designed to develop the skills and techniques your child needs to take IELTS and achieve the best results possible for them personally.

Teens preparing with the world's English experts will: 

  • practise with authentic questions and receive expert advice from qualified and experienced teachers
  • familiarise themselves with all aspects of the test format
  • develop the techniques and skills needed to achieve their optimal result as relevant to their current level of English.

IELTS score required by Higher Education Institutions

Please note that Higher Education institutions specify the IELTS score they require. In order to be sure about this, please contact your University or Faculty of preference directly. Scores required tend to be between 6.5 and 8 (i.e. B2 to C1 on the CEFR). Find out more on IELTS scores.

Course dates and fee

Sats 14.30-17.30


€835 (30h)
excluding test
Tues 18h-2h
Online  €570 (20h)
excluding test
Mon-Fri 9h- 16.30

Paris Maubourg-Malar, 22 rue Malar, 7th

€835 (30h)
excluding test
Mon-Thurs 9h-16.30

Paris Maubourg-Malar, 22 rue Malar, 7th

€680 (24h)
excluding test

*Please inform me of the opening of future sessions.