- Date
- 23 novembre 2021 - 10:24
All I want for Christmas is… better English!
Several people asked Laura for some special christmas film recommendations to help them improve their English. Here are her five favourite.
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- Langue anglaise
Le Blog
Several people asked Laura for some special christmas film recommendations to help them improve their English. Here are her five favourite.
Recently language teaching has had a renaissance when it comes to including green themes. I hear more and more teachers talking about it: Should we do it? How do we do it? Find out more.
Hélène Delpont est IA-IPR d’anglais dans l’académie de Créteil et elle mène le projet Eco-clubs avec une équipe interdisciplinaire d’enseignants, en collaboration avec le British Council.
Catherine Saracco, Directrice de l’Education au British Council, s’entretient avec Gilles Roussel, Président de l'Université Gustave Eiffel.
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Planning to study in the UK next year? The British Council shares her know-how on getting the most out of your visit to our British Higher Education Fair.